FWC Blog

Come Away With Me

Week 4 – PRAYER Come Away with Me – Hannah Quezada I can still remember to this day being in Sunday School (it was called “Kidz Zone!”), and learning about prayer. “Prayer is a conversation to Jesus!” the kids pastor said. From that point on I started to imagine Jesus on the other end of […]

A Still Mind

Week 4 – PRAYER A Still Mind Kathy Lenz (2015 Lent devotional)   “Even God cannot put anything into what is already full. He does not impose Himself on us.” – Mother Teresa, Everything Starts from Prayer   I have a very busy mind. It is constantly talking. I often fall asleep with a running […]

The Notion of Divine Control

Week 4 – PRAYER The Notion of Divine Control – Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest, 1935, “Jul. 16”)   “How much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” – Matthew 7:11   Jesus is laying down rules of conduct for those who have His […]

Breathe on Me, Breath of God

Week 4 – PRAYER  Breathe on Me, Breath of God – Edwin Hatch (hymn; 1878)   “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth…” – John 17:16-17a (NIV, 1984)   “…Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you […]

The Goldfish & The Parakeet

Week 3 – PARABLES The Goldfish & The Parakeet – Lary Stucker This week’s Lent devotional is one of Jesus’s more controversial parables; the unjust steward in Luke chapter 16. When I was a little kid, I wanted a parakeet, so my parents bought me a goldfish. Seriously. How could they confuse this cheap dime-store […]


Week 3 – PARABLES Repentance – Rev. Ashton Oxenden (The Earnest Communicant: A Course of Preparation for the Lord’s Table, 1856, pp. 14-16) Meditation: LUKE XVIII. 13. “THE PUBLICAN, STANDING AFAR OFF, WOULD NOT LIFT UP SO MUCH AS HIS EYES UNTO HEAVEN.” What a pattern of a truly humble and contrite soul! Let me […]

Adding Water to Milk

Week 3 – PARABLES Adding Water to Milk – Karisa Stucker “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie Ten Boom What is worry? In this unpredictable life, unfortunate circumstances that come up and cause thoughts and feelings of despair and worry. Jesus makes it very clear […]

Mustard Seed

Week 3 – PARABLES Mustard Seed – Nick Tunnicliffe   Lent is a season for disciples to prepare for the immanent cross. This, of course, means we must join Jesus for his 40 days in the desert. In order to be equipped for the cross, we must first be able to stand confidently as children […]

Keep Bothering

Week 3 – PARABLES Keep Bothering – Jay and Andrea Allerton   Here are the parables that jumped out at us, both having to do with persistence in prayer. The parable of the widow and the parable of a friend asking for three loaves of bread at midnight: in both we see that Jesus wants […]


Week 2 – TEACHING: Come – Jasmine Eye I am not an educated woman, unless you count street knowledge and drug use. Perhaps I know too much. My record isn’t a pretty one. As I sat incarcerated—again—with fifteen years hanging over my head, the Lord met me where I was. He came to me and talked […]